forum anders reisen e.V. reposted this
What a great crowd! ITB is only three days long, but full of inspiring encounters. As soon as you enter Responsible Tourism Hall 4.1, the hugging and squeezing hardly stops. The hall is like a small family reunion, where a familiar face appears at every step. This is particularly noticeable on Thursday evening at the final Responsible Tourism Networking event. Thank you Rika Jean-Francois and Gopinath Parayil for organising this family networking event every year! Jasmin Zegger, Viktoria Hoffmann and I went out in threes to talk to potential partners from destinations or nature reserves, the press, development organisations and potential new members. We experienced a lot of openness towards the sustainable topics of forum anders reisen. Inspiring ideas for projects spun together. Concrete marketing ideas were planned. Three days are hardly enough - and now it's time for evaluation and follow-up work. There was also time for political dialogue: special thanks for the visit to Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke and MdL Christian Zwanziger and thanks to Joachim Hummel. We have welcomed our new supporting member Outdooractive: Thank you for joining, Hartmut Wimmer and Thomas Richter. We also enjoyed a delicious dinner with 20 forum anders reisen e.V. members and a culinary evening with the Studienkreis für Tourismus u. Entwicklung e. V., the jury and the winners of the TO DO Award. forum anders reisen together with 8 members (a&e erlebnis:reisen, Äksyt Ämmät Oy - Green Finn Tour Operator, Planet B /Bollig Tours, Hauser Exkursionen International GmbH, NEUE WEGE Reisen, REISEN MIT SINNEN Pardon/Heider Touristik GmbH, socialbnb, and the AER Kooperation AG) signed the ‘Women's Empowerment Principles’ of UN Women and thus set an important sign to strengthen the equality of women in tourism. And in the evening, the two current TO DO Award winners were honoured with a laudatory speech, which also focused on the importance of civil society engagement. Congratulations to the wonderful winners: Neha Arora from Planet Abled and Miguel Carvajal Palacios & Luisa Fernanda Romero Munoz from Get Up And Go Colombia - and for the beautiful words of H.E. ambassador Yadir Salazar Mejia. Thanks to everyone for the lovely conversations, whether intensive talks or over a quick coffee: Marlon Van Hee, Lara Kogge, Biljana Stefanoska, Sandra Lorenz, António Ferreira Jorge Manfred Häupl Anna-Lisa Zug Christian Baumgartner Ovid Jacota Elena Miloshevska Jonas Diessner Felix Willeke Laura Wertsch Martina Handler Benedikt Willingshofer Gerhard Bartsch Just to name a few... Let's keep going and transform tourism together!